Sunday 2 December 2012

Other Symbols and Metaphors in the Novel Monday's starter.

 -Water, cleaning and washing - This is a luxury to the man and the boy not an necessity, They only wash when they can. During the novel their journey begins to get more dangerous. They can stop less and wash. Therefore when they can wash they appreciate it alot more. The two only really wash when it is really needed, 'i wash dead man's brains out of his hair' . This is when it is a necessity as he cant keep a murdered man's brains in his sons hair. Water becomes more important during the novel as they need it to survive. There is irony used at the end of the novel as they are on the setting of a beach with a water surrounding them however they cant drink it as it is grey and salty. They want it but they cant have it.                                 The meaning of water stays the same throughout the novel as there is a constant struggle to find the water and keep themselves hydrated.

-The mountain - In my opinion the meaning stays the same. 

 -The sea - At the start of the novel the sea symbolises hope and serenity. It represents their happiness. Although when they reach the beach it shows disappointment and symbolises their journey being over and pointless. The beach was meant to be their saviour however it was just another disappointment.

-The colour grey  Ash- The grey colour represents the dull days. The meaning of the grey ash stays the same throughout the novel. Hopelessness and an unforgettable destroyed world. 

-Fire - 'we carry the fire'  In a way i think the fire represents a hope for a new world, they are carrying the fire to the new world. If they ever find it. I personally think the man came up with this rouse to make the boy believe that they will be happy eventually again and they wont have to run anymore. The fire is like a childish way for the man and the boy to forgot about the horrid world outside of their bleak life.                             'you have to carry the fire' - this gives the boy hope for his life without the man. 

-Sight/sightlessness - Sight could symbolises sadness. Why would anybody want to see the horror's of the dark damp world.

-Seeds -  Seeds show hope for new life. 

-Music/musical instruments - The music within the novel could show happiness, remind them of the old life when there was joy like music. 

-Animal imagery -

-The coca-cola can - Sharing the coca-cola can that the two find is a big moment for the man and the boy. It shows their bond between each other. This is the boys first fizzy drink. The can shows how deprived the world is now. We take coke for granted however now this could be the last coke left in the world for all we know?

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