Sunday 3 March 2013

Act IV Sc 1
- This scene contains no comedic elements
-In terms of tragedy there is pathos, bathos and peripetia.

-Deception presents once more.
-The friar lies through verse, Benedict vows to lie, Hero 'dies' because of a lie, Benedict and Beatrice finally confess their love to each other but  once again it is because of a lie.

-more comic relief -malapropisms -misunderstanding -farce

Dramatic irony occurs in this scene as the audience already knows what is going to happen, (Hero's shaming)

- They decide to publicly humiliate Hero at the wedding to have revenge over Hero. They choose to wait till the wedding so it is in public and everyone can know of her unfaithfulness. They know that doing it in public will ruin her life as no other man will ever want her after knowing she is a 'disloyal' woman.

-As Leonato first finds out of Hero's infidelity he begins to denie that Hero would even attempt a thing like that, not his perfectly pure child? He goes on to question Claudio and Don Pedro, 'what do you mean'. He then seem confused and questions if Claudio took her purity away from her before they were married.
He begins to believe Claudio, this shows patriarchy  as he believes a man over his own daughter as she is a woman. He is angry with his daughter and ashamed of her. He tells Hero 'do not live' showing how angry and ashamed he is and telling the audience he wants her dead.

-Benedick's allegiance has shifted as he is now loyal to Beatrice. It is showed that he is know loyal to Beatrice instead of the men when he tell Leonato 'i know not what to say'. He wants everybody to re-think the situation so that he does not have to be separated from his friends for the woman he loves. He tries to uncover the Truth in front of everyone so he can resolve the situation this is show when he says 'were you her bedfellow last night'.

-Leaonato of course believes the men still so he interprets Hero's facial expressions to show that she is guilty leading him to defiantly believe  she is guilty. The friar believes Hero's facial expression means something else, he tells Hero 'in her eye there hath appeared fires' this shows he thinks her facial expression shows anger and how innocent she may be.

-Of course Benedict is first to name Don John as the villain 'whose spirits toil in frame of villainies'

-Friar Francis plot is to deceive Claudio and make him feel sympathy for Hero.He then believes it will make Claudio feel guilty and realise his love for Hero once again and reconsider his accusations.

-The back up plan if Hero's reputation cannot be salvaged is to send her away to a nunnery, 'in some reclusive and religious life'.

-Once Benedict and Beatrice are alone together the language begins to become sharper and more accurate. Beatrice says ' i was about to protest i loved you', this shows how the language becomes bawdy. The sentences are shorter but it shows how they are slowly coming closer.

-Benedick is the first to declare his love to Beatrice, 'i do love nothing in the world so well as you'. Benedick may declare this as he wants to cease his opportunity of the two being alone. He could also want to cheer her up and make her believe in love again after she has just witnessed two people fall out of love.
Beatrice goes on to make their happiness faultier as she gives Benedict an ultimatum, 'kill Claudio'. However Benedict like any other person will not want to murder his best friend therefore he replies with 'not for the world'. Beatrice takes this as Benedict would not do anything in the world for her therefore he must not love her?

-The lecture shows how furoscious Beatrice can be,She begins to take her fury out on Benedict. It shows within her language when she uses words like 'scorned'. Beatrice shows how angry she is by telling the audience 'i would eat his heart', this shows she is angry enough to kill Claudio for what he did to her cousin.

-Benedick's statement to challenge Claudio shows how he had changed to make Beatrice happier. It shows that his slow transformation has now come to an end and he is the man he wants to be now to make Beatrice happy. He first changed his clothes and shaved his beard for her but now he has gone to the full extent by changing his personality for her.

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