Wednesday 21 November 2012

She woke in the bleak night.
She crept along the dark wooden floor boards of the orphanage.
The night was dark beyond darkness as she starred out of her open window.
The sky became bright for a second and there was a loud crash of thunder outside.
She looked out of her window once more, only this time she noticed a giant dark outline at the end of the road.
She froze still, trying not to be heard, she took a deep breath and watched the figure's grey shadow.

The giant pulled a rusty gold pipe from his satchel and then from an already opened jar he took a handful of sparkling dust and he blew the dust through the pipe and into an open window.
She was astonished. Her face was empty, she didn't know how to react to her discovery and then she made a slight shriek.
The giant starred right at her.
He was wearing a long cape and his feet were huge and on his feet he wore leather brown sandals.
His face wasn't very visible although from what could be seen he looked quite old. After seeing his face she ran back to her bed. The old floor boards began to creak, yet still nobody woke.
She leaped onto her bed and pulled her greyish cover tight over her head to hide herself away from all the nightmares outside, she felt invisible when hiding under that ugly quilt.
She peaked through the cover and a light from the street lamp shined onto her face.
Again she buried her head in her hands and returned to the sanctuary of her covers. Whimpering, she tried to stop breathing so heavily.
Once more she lifted just her eyes over the covers to see if he was still there. A dark shadow reflected into  the room and a hand twice the size of her came rushing towards her. The hand grabbed hold of the covers she was wrapped up inside. She was too scared to scream.The hand pulled her out of the window and then  carried her into the dismal night.

He ran across fields. He ran across bridges. He ran through towns and villages.
He eventually made it to a cliff, he ran straight up and leaped off the edge, part of the cliff broke off as he huge feet pushed off of the ground. He floated into the vague night sky and up toward the illuminated moon.

The giant landed back down on the other side of the moon. Only here the world was bumpy and everywhere was full of mountainous rocks, all dull and murky. The giant hopped from rock to rock, he did it with ease.
The giant eventually landed on solid ground.He began to creep like someone was following him and kept checking behind himself looking from left to right.
He heard groans so he hid for a minute behind one of the rocks but he quickly began to run again down the long, thin valley.
He finally arrived at a cave, you couldn't see the end of the cave as it went down for miles. All that could be seen was blackness.
The giant began walking into the misty cave, his hood was still over his head and covering most of his face, the girl was hidden in his pocket.
When they had made it deep into the cave they reached a dead end. The giant took the girl from his pocket and placed her down on a bumpy rock beside him, He then lunged and opened a big stone door. It slowly creaked open.
 The dust cleared.

He picked her up and carried her inside and then layed her on his kitchen table.
She quickly pulled the cover away from her face and the giant did the same with his cape.
The giants ear's were bigger than his head and he had fluffy white hair and bushy eyebrows. His skin was pale like a porcelain doll and she could tell he was old as his skin was wrinkly . His eye's were like piercing crystal's, a deep blue colour.
The giant peered right down into her face and sniggered and said what has us got here?
He spoke again, i is hungry.
oh please don't eat me!
I spots what you is thinking, he said as he tapped his big nose and then chuckled.
Because i is a giant, you thinks i is going to gobbles you up and crunch your bones!
oh please, she cried out.
There's ingredient book's wheres giants is eating up little girls for supper and snacks!
yes don't they?
oh yes, this is what giants is doing, all the giants in giant country. They is guzzling up human beings every night.
Human beings? 
yes. Human beings like you is.
Bone crunching giant he likes turkey best.
Oh turkey, that's not human beings, its a bird. She was reassured.She smiled and looking innocent she let out a slight giggle.
The giant smiled back.
He shook his head and sighed.
Me? Eating peoples? Oh all the others yes. But not me, oh no i is a nice giant, theres not another giant like me in all the giants country. I is the big friendly giant.
He opened his arms out as if he was offering her a hug, he had a huge smile on his face as he announced, the BFG. He let out a chuckle and  pointed to himself , thats me!
The giant stood up with a grin on his face,
well now is you liking some supper?  She stuttered ,You're really not going to eat me?
Ha of course i is not eating you, he laughed as he took a few steps to a tub in the corner of his dreary cave.
The giant pulled a dusty lid off the tub and pulled out a long oval shaped object with circular bumps all over it. The shape was black and it had dark red stripes all the way around it.
She had never seen anything like it before.
Still holding the strange object he placed the lid back on the jar and turned around and said i eats snozzcumbers.

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