Friday 23 November 2012

Voice and Point of view.
Had no idea...he slept.

-Begins with the narrator.
-The man begins - 'in what direction did lost men veer?'
He questions himself, (rhetorical question)
-They've been following a map.
-Just escaped the house of cannibals now the mood is panicked and disorientated.

At the begining of the paragraph on page 122 it starts with the voice of the omniscient narrator. However it then changes to  3rd person point of veiw of the man as he asks himself a rhetorical question, 'in what direction did lost men veer?' , The voice only changes to the man for this one question this gives us a disorientated feeling. The man doesnt know where he is going and he is questioning his life as he know's it. He does not understand his life anymore and if it even has a purpose.
It is not signalled when the narrative ends and the dialogue begins. -Leaves the reader confused and lead to make up their own assumptions.

McCarthy uses 3rd person free indirect style -'he woke in the dark woods in the leaves shivering violently' The reader fells the mans feelings at this point they feel involved. As the readers we want the man and the boy to make it out alive. We want them to survive so we become emotionally attatched to their characters and their life throughout the novel.

'phantoms not heard from in a thousand years' - dream sequences related.
We enter a luminal state. The mood is dark and weary.
Confusing, is it the mans thought or is it his dream.
unattributed thoughts?
'thousand years' - he's bringing up the past. The man rembers what he wants to forget. His feelings haunt him.They control the way he acts and his personality now. - Makes the reader wonder what the 'phantoms' could be? has he done something in his past life that he regrets?
Is it his wife he is thinking of? - Controling him even in death.
His past life has destroyed his future, he cannot conrtol his feelings. He cant imagine the happy thought as the bad out weighs the good. He may struggle with certain things now, Like the bad memories have cursed him and that is why his life is pointless. He cant imagine a happy ending for himself.

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