Sunday 25 November 2012

McCarthy in his own words.
-McCarthy doesn't plot his stories, he expects the ideas to come to him naturally.
-wrote it in a few weeks - like it came natural to him.

-McCarthy took a trip to his son and imagined the town they were staying in 100 years down the line, 'fires up on the hill and everything being laid to waste' -The ideas for the actual book came from that night in the hotel when he wrote 2 pages and realised that the ideas were good enough to become a book. He realised that the book was 'about the man and the boy'.

- 'I had no idea where it was going to end'  - This could be the reason he added deus ex machina. Why people may think the ending is a little plain. Maybe McCarthy didn't finish it the way he should.

-'simple straight forward story' - why he uses simple sentences and punctuation. He hides the devices he uses within the sentences so the reader doesn't notice them until they properly Analise the novel.

-Alot of thing that the kid says are things that john said' - The boys character was based on his son, his son gave him inspiration for the boys character. 'papa, what would you do if i died'. Their conversations are like the man and the boys.

-Its more important to be good than it is to be smart'. This links to the boy as he is the good one in the book. He shows morals, it could be suggested he is a good omen in the book.

He received the same letter from a few people around the world that said the same thing, 'i got up and went upstairs and got my kids up and i just sat there in the bed and just held them' -Its as if he wrote the novel to be sad and heartbreaking because he wants to make the reader appreciate what they have.

-'If you write properly you shouldn't have to punctuate' -Thins he is good enough writer to make the book simple and hardly punctuate.He wants to prove you don't have to use alot of punctuation to make a great story.

- [is this a love story to your son?] -'in a way i suppose it is' -Having a son affected his life dramatically and gave him the inspiration to write the novel.- The novel is about the man and the boys relationship and how it is affected by the dangers on the road. It could be argued that it is a love story to his son as although there are bumps along the road in their life they will always love each other unconditionally.

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